20 Ducks in Tennessee (ID + Season Best Guide)

20 Ducks in Tennessee

Tennessee is home to various wildlife, including numerous species of ducks. These ducks provide a unique ecological niche in the state and are an important part of the food chain. Ducks can be found in habitats ranging from wetlands to rivers and streams. They are commonly seen in urban areas such as parks, golf courses, … Read more

Can Birds eat Sesame Seeds? (Yes, but…)

Can Birds eat Sesame Seeds?

Birds are curious creatures that enjoy a variety of foods, but sesame seeds can be a tricky snack to give them. From parakeets to wild birds, it’s essential to understand: Can birds eat sesame seeds? Not all species can eat sesame seeds safely; some may even suffer from digestive issues if they ingest too many. … Read more

Bird That Sounds Like a Raccoon – Helpful Guide!

Bird That Sounds Like a Raccoon

Birds are known for their melodic songs and sweet chirping sounds. However, one bird stands out from the rest, the bird that sounds like a raccoon. Yes, you read it right. There is a variety of birds that imitate the sound of raccoons to communicate with their flock. These birds belong to the jays and … Read more

Ducks in Connecticut: 20 Species to Look Out For

Ducks in Connecticut

Ducks in Connecticut are common throughout the state and have become popular among tourists and locals. These birds can be found in various water bodies such as ponds, streams, lakes, and rivers. They are known for their distinctive quacking sound that echoes through the air when they’re in groups. Connecticut’s diverse habitats provide excellent feeding … Read more

7 Birds That Look Like Turkeys | Bird Guide

Birds That Look Like Turkeys

Turkeys have long been a staple of American Thanksgiving tables and are easily recognized by their large size, distinctive plumage, and the famous “gobble” sound they make. Although turkeys may look unique, quite a few birds look surprisingly similar to them. From their size to their feathers and behaviour, some species of wild birds look … Read more

Idaho Owls: Top 14 Species


The Idaho Owls are the unique owls in the United States. These owls are found only in Idaho and have a few different habits that set them apart from other owls. Idaho Owls are ground dwellers that hunt small mammals like rabbits and hares. They are also known for their loud screeching calls that can … Read more

Iowa Woodpeckers: 7 Artisans of the Bird World

Iowa Woodpeckers

Iowa Woodpeckers are some of the most beautiful birds in the state. These birds are found throughout Iowa, from rural areas to urban settings. They can often be seen high up on trees or buildings, searching for insects and other food sources. Iowa is home to various woodpeckers, from the smallest downy to the largest … Read more